Wednesday, September 29, 2010

i luv ur eyes

Thank You! I love urs 2 !

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

U r very beautiful angel

So are u and thank you <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Hey you are aweosme!

TY So r u !

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

اخترت في الدينا ثلاث الستر وانصاف وصلاح وكرهت في الدينا ثلاث لا , ولايمكن , ولن وحبيت في الدينا ثلاث الشعر وامي والصباح وحلفت مااخون ثلاث إنتي وجاري الوطن<<وش تحط انت بدال كل ثلاث ؟؟


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Can you please ask me some questions?


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Ur cutututuee!!!

So R U!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

May God bless you all the time u r very wonderful !

Awh may god bless u 2 all the time !

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Awh ur vry cute iluv u so much!

Awh ! So are you !

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

wat ur up to?

Nothin' much and you?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

How are you?

I am gr8 and you?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Hey Charlotte!

Hey Kiara !

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

آلفية اولا تمت...ترى هل اكمل خطوات على هذا الدرب ام آقف ؟؟؟


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Pretty is just a word to describe someone's shell. Beautiful describes the entire person . SEND THIS TO 10 BEAUTIFUL LADIES YOU KNOW(: IF YOU GET ONE OF THIS IT MEANS YOUR BEAUTIFUL((:


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته قد قام موقع متفائلات بحملة للدفاع عن امنا عائشة رضي الله عنها حملة رائع تحتوي على تصاميم رمزيات مقالات تواقيع مسنجريات والكثير من الاشياء تشرفنا زيارتكم اسعد الله قلوبكم وجمعنا بالجنان انشر


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

I just had the best caramel apple ever! Thank you Johnny Appleseed Festival, and happy 1st day of Autumn everyone. Love you all! xoxo ♥

Oh cool! TY so much!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

حين " تحب " أسأل نفسك : ماذآ تستطيع أن تقدم لمن أحببته ؟! إن كان [ • • • ] « الفرآغ هو جوآبك فرحل .. ودع عنك الحب جانباً


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

كآن هنآك شاب يجري خلف فتآة فالتفت الفتآة له وقالت : لماذآ تمشي خلفي ؟قال الشآب:أنا معجب بجمالكْ ووقعت بحبكِ من أول نظرة الفتآة:أنظر ورآئك لزميلتي هي أجمل مني بكثير التفت الشاب للخلف وقال: لآ يوجد أحدٌ خلفي قالت الفتآة : لو كنت حق تحبني لما التفت


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

When you feel worried Nothing helps you to sleep


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

آتذكرك ! ........... تمطر سمآء آلصبح | آحبآب وآفتح شبآبيكي كذآ ! .......................... يمكن آلمحك


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

» تدري وش أحلى شي في الدنيا ؟! إنسَان , لا شدك ولمـّـك بحضنَه . . تَدمْع عيُوووونَك من قوة حنـّــانَه <3 <<؟؟هل هالانسان موجود بحياتك


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

عمري ما تمنيت شي قد ما تمنيت أشوفك وأروي عيني من حلاك وتلمس كفوفي كفوفك


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Hey everyone, if you have a Twitter, go check out my new background and colors that I changed it too. Let me know that ya'll think! I hope you like it for all my girls that like pink out there! xoxo <3

Sure <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

صبــآـآـآـآـآحكم طهر و نقاء ..!!الساعه قاربت على الثالثه فجرا ومنا من لم ينم ليله كاملا!!ماهي الامور التي تسرق من عينك النوم؟؟


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

مكسُوره أنَا ..’ ..................... كضلعٍ أحمقْ | حَاول أنْ يستقِيمْ ..!


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

أبد مآكآن [ الصمت ] يعنيْ النسيّآن ! شوف الآرض صَآمته لكن فيْ جوفهآ بركآآن ،

Sorry gonna dlete ur questions if i don't get it

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

وٍ أنآ س’ـؤآلِي ع’ـن اللي في |[ الهوٍى جاني وابغى جوابه بحكم الفرض والسنه الادمي اللي سرق قلب ادمي ثاني هو يدخل النار والا يدخل الجنه؟

I don't get what ur saying, so does not my uncle srry

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

الا ............ ماسامحك عليه))) وش تحط بالفراغ؟؟ولكمووو للنيو بالفولو

I don't get what ur saying, so does not my uncle srry

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

لَو يَموتْ الطيرْ فآقِد جنحآنْ مَحدن درآبهْ ! ويُوم أموتْ غصة وأتلوى بِ الفرآقْ مَحدن درآبيْ . !


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

\ َالججَنَونَ، آآحَحَيآنَ يبَريَ كَل عَلـهَْ *

who's aljajnon?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

يًآ رٍبُ تِسِعُدُ [ خٍآَفٍَقٍِهُ ] وٍيًنٍ مٍَآ گآنٍ ... !!


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

إن أسهل الوظائف هي ... وظيفة تشريح الجثث وذلك أنك لا تخسر شيئاً , فإن أخطأت أو أصبت فإنه مـيـت مـيـت . ( دينيس ميلير )

Ok nice

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

" القلوب مزارع فازرع فيها الكلمة الطيبة فإن لم تتمتع بثمرها تتمتع بخضرها" لقمان الحكيم

i dont?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

* كذاب الصبر وعدني ولآ جابك !! .

Ok :)

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

* الذين يشتمون الشهرة هم من فشلوا في الحصول عليها * غآزي القصيبي


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

من لم يخطئ، لم يجرب شيئاً جديداً .. البرت انشتاينِ

ok i get it :)

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

تعود النآس على أن يلعنوآ ظروف حيآتهم ، ولست أؤمن بالظروف فالنآس هم الذين يصنعونهآ . " برنآردشو " .


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

’ جُمله تتردد على مسامعي كثيرآ [ لن تقف الحياة عند حدود أحد من البشر ] لكن ! أقسم لك : أني وقفت عند حدود انفاسك منذ زمن..!

m don t get u?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

سِبتمبَر : قبلَ أن تَغيبْ .. أكتبنِيْ فتاةً لا تَهرَم , وَ أملًا لا يَنضَبْ , وَ قلبًا لا يَشيْخ , وَ أجمَل ..!


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

الحظّ || هل له وجود حقًا , وهل تؤمن بِه ؟

Kinda, Yea.

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

وش رايكم في تلميع الشخصيات داخل عالم النت ؟ وهل هو ظاهره صحيه


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

هل أنت ممنَ - يجلد الذات - لسببً عارض .. أم ممنً يرميًّ جلُ الخطأ عَلى كاهلْ الحظ اللذي لم يُنصٍفْ معه / وخذلهَ هذه المرَه ..؟!

I don't get you at all

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

| عندما .. تعجز عن تحقيق ماحلمتً به لـ هدف قصًير المدى - اما لظرف وقت / أو قِله حًيله .. وقتها من تلـٌوم؟!


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

- هل أنت ممن " يفضفضٌ " .. ولمنُ .. ولماذا ؟!

I don't knw

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

س/ تمثيل العواطف . ليه اصبح منتشر .. ليس فقط بالحب حتى بين الاصدقاء

Um let me ask my uncle Ok

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Pretty is just a word to describe someone's shell. Beautiful describes the entire person . SEND THIS TO 10 BEAUTIFUL LADIES YOU KNOW(: IF YOU GET ONE OF THIS IT MEANS YOUR BEAUTIFUL((:

OMG awesome i love it <3 I mgith

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Nice name honey ;$ <3333

Urs 2

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

U rock!


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Friday, September 17, 2010

I just changed my username. It was tooooo girly. but now it's great!


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)


Bye! <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)


TY SO much!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

can u ask me some questions?

Oh Yeah sure I can

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Sweeti <3333333333

Awhhh! <3333333333333333 So r u!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)


Bye(: <3 (L)

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

U r very very very very very like tons more time very pretty and beautiful!!!!

AWH!!!!! TY SO MUCH! IT MEANS ALOT TO ME!!!!! SO R U!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333 (LLLLLLLLLL)

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Haha ur r awesome lol

Hhahahahaha awh so r u! lol

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Fav um hand sanitizer?


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Fav site?

Mhn hard questions :P

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)


Nothing much and you?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Man, u got above 1000 questions!!!!!!! I wish me to!<3333

Yeah! I wish you will get atleast 1000 questions this 1 or 2 months!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

You rule the world and Amanda World! <33333333333

Awhhh! TY SO much!!!!!! U2

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

U R AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah! TY SO MUCH! U2!!!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

How r u?

I'm great thanks! And you?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

city of the wish to visit ? <333

Mmmm, Paris, France , London, and more I guess :D

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Anyone know anything about Apple stuff? I'm trying get an app from my iTunes to my iPod Touch, and so far it's been a fail. Any help here? I will love you forever if you can. Inbox or text me! ♥

Oh okay i'm not that sure about it sorry.

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Ba-Bye , (LL) !

Bye!!!! (LLLL)

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

U R Super AWESOME , U Rock

AHHHH!!!! TY SO MUCH! You rock!!!!!!!!! <33333

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Fav T.V Show !

WOWP! SWAC! VICTORIOUS! GLC! ICARLY! And many many more (:

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Who's U'r FAV Star Ever ?

Um, Selena,Demi,Taylor, Victoria and many many many morre(: <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

What's Up ? Hope U'r Good <33

Gr8 U? Oh yea, i'm gr8 ! U ?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

favourite film?

Not sure

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

fave rock band?


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


TY SO MUCH! So r u!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Haha ur r very sweet and gentle(:

Awh thanks(: SO r u!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

<3 ur bg <3 ur username <3 ur saying <3 ur bio <3 <3 <3 it

Awh TY SO MUCH! IT MEANS ALOT TO ME!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

<3 ur Username

Awh thanks( : <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

I love ur new username rocks!!!!


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

× صدمة شعوري بالبشر ماهي غريبه بس الغريبه ليه انا ما تعلمت × آكثر صدمة آثرت فيك ولكموو للنيو بالفولو

Can't speak arabic

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

OMG!! I love your saying at the top!! And i love your name (PrincesCharlie) its awesome! Could you ask me questions if i ask you some!!??

Awh thank you so much Jill! Awh TY SO MUCH!!!! Sure

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Ask me everything ♥♥♥ Please ♥♥♥

Sure Friend <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

how r u? wruu2? im awesome. nm. :)

hi. i'm gr8 thx and you?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

آمنيه واحده بهالعيد تتمنونها؟؟

Sorry i don't speak arabic

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

•"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."

Ahhhh I love this quote so much awesome ;)

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

You're so gorgeous <3

Awh TY So much so are you! <333

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

How r u sweety ?

Hey Gourgeous I am Gr8 and you?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Spam my inbox and i will spam yours :D

Oh sure why not<3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)


Hey HRU?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Do you like piggels?

Not really

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Do u like 3Oh!3?

Yes I do

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Would u rather be a cherry or a strawberry?

Both <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Whos ur fav. actor?


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

can U be one of my BEST FRIEND on fs?

Oh yeah of course! <333

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

I like Ur user name <3

TY So much!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

bye also love ur new username and u r very pretty <3

Bye thx u very much ! TY!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

can u find bieber jjkluigtyasdghbnweyuuioahjbieberukilhjjklmhyauifuia

YES IT'S THERE WHERE IT'S BOLD OK jjkluigtyasdghbnweyuuioahjBIEBERukilhjjklmhyauifuia

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

can u find nickj kfahfyiquiquqruyqbhbanmckjairuinickjrurioajajkdui

YEAH I DID IT'S WHERE IT'S BOLD OK kfahfyiquiquqruyqbhbanmckjairuiNICKJrurioajajkdui

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

can u find demi hjhuyue8q90uqisjkhjkhsfuiqjkljksuidemiaioufjauiruqjaiuofihq

YES IT'S THERE WHERE IT'S BOLD SORRY I USED CAPS LOL hjhuyue8q90uqisjkhjkhsfuiqjkljksuiDEMIaioufjauiruqjaiuofihq

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

can u find selena sjfinhjhusyhgjbselenafoiohjahuyfuy89rwjahjk

Yes it's there where it's bold sjfinhjhusyhgjbSELENAfoiohjahuyfuy89rwjahjk

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Have u already seen Camp Rock 2?? ♥

Uh yeah i did loved it <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Have u a nice day?

Uh yeah I did <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

I Luvv U'r New UserName ! So Cute <33 , Hehehe

Ha thx u so much ! <3 ! Hehaho

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Monday, September 6, 2010

I changed my username to PrincesCharlie hope u'll love it <3


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

i hope u like my questions =) , luuuuv u gurl <3

I loved it thanks by the way <3 luvu2

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

what u think about me ? =)

I think you are fantastic i mean more then fantastic u r like perfection to me ;)

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

fav singer to u ?

Selena Demi Taylor Victoria Miranda and more

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

r u fans of paramore band ?

Of Course!!!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

what best hair cut to u ?

Mhn hard question, but maybe long cut then short <333

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

what ur fav t-shirt brand ?

Mhn not sure........

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

do u brush ur hair evre day ?

yeah i do

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Joe jonas or nick jonas ?

Nick Jonas <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

what ur hair color <3 ?

brown and black

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

fav saying?


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

fav poem?

mhn not sure tell u later

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

how r u?

gr8 u

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

love ur bg


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

your so cool

ty so r u

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

may god bless you


A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

you r very cute and adorable

thank you so much so r u

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

how ar eyou?

Gr8 and you?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)


Hola Angeli

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Plus a hug from Kiara

Me to *Hugs*

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Pick me plz at 5:00 PM

ok thanks for rem.

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

I <3 you so much miss you! I'm in Calafornia coming back in 5 days see you there

Me 2 kwl yup c u thr

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

So so sorry i asked you anonomously

that's fine gurl no sorrys plz

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

How are you?

i'm great thank you <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

I love ur bg so much where did you get it?

TY so much i just searched them <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

You rock!

awh so do you <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

I missed talking to you so much!!!! :)

Yeah me to! <3 Plu su never came online that much *sighs*

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

How are you?

i'm great and you?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Taking Time Out to Say I Love You, Cause Yesterday Is Gone, Today Is Almost Over & Tomorrow Isn't Promised. Send to everyone you love. I did!(:

Ahh that was awesome! You r gr8! Thank yo <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv u soooo muuuuuuch <33

awh luv u 2

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

<3 :) :D :P

<3 :D :) :P

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

U r very sweet

ty so r u

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

You are well mannered girl ever

ty so much you r 2

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

ask me questions

oh sure why not

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)



A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

So wat ur doing?

Nothing much & you?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

May God always bless you my dear!!! <3333333

Awh thank you may god bless you 2!

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

U r so pretty!!! <3

Thank you so are you <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

You are so cool!!!! <3

Awh so are you <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

So how have you been?

Gr8 u?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

I like you said a day without rain is like a day without questions (L) Nice!

Thanks <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

did you loved a year without rain I loved it!

Yes I did! <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

how r u?

I'm gr8 and you?

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)


Heyyy <3

A day without rain is like a day without questions (L)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

can u follow me on tumblr? I followed you <3

Sure I already did <3

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

♥♥♥ ^__^ ♥♥♥

Haha cool (●̮̮̃•̃)

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

Thank U so much!!!

Your welcome Natasha!

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

asnd ask me some questions too thanks

Sure why not <3

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

well bye

Bye have a gr8 day!

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

converse or sandles?

Converse <3

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

singing or dancing

both <3

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

i love u too much!

Me too(:

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

ur so funny!

Thank you so much! So are you! <3

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

i want a hug *Hugs*

Me too *Hugs*

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

you are beautiful as an angel for real!

awh thank you so much amanda so are you!

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

what r u up to?

Nothing much, answering questions and you?

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

how are you?

I am gr8 and you?

Be fearless by asking me questions :)


Hey Amanda

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

what do you think about my profile?

I think it's awesome! <3 Love it so(:

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

can ask me some questions?

Ah sure

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

Love Sel love you <3

awh thanks! Xoxoxo

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

You rock!

Thank you xoxo!

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

I love ur bg!

Thank you so much(:

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

Hey great background send me one too!

Thank you! Sure

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

follow please @fcbieberlicious

Um, ok

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

Is one day I saw this scene? That the house of God (Lllll) I wish I be with them:) You are a Muslim? <

Nope i'm not i'm kinda i'm like 95% christian and 5% muslim cause my uncle is muslim and believes in it so that's why.

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

What is your favourite band?

Mmmm, hard question westlife i guess

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

How are you?

I am gr8 and you?

Be fearless by asking me questions :)



Be fearless by asking me questions :)

I love your BG! It is awsome!

Thank you so much Kath! <3

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

I like ur B.G

Thank you(:

Be fearless by asking me questions :)

Can you please ask me some questions?

Sure why not(:

Be fearless by asking me questions :)